You aren’t as accurate at remembering as you think you are. In fact, many of the things you remember aren’t necessarily true. In some ways, we are like the old sailor that told the tale so many times that he started believing it himself. Let’s learn how to manage our expectations so that we have the best possible mindset. Have you ever been somewhere with your spouse and...
Unkind Words Sometimes unkind words just roll off our lips like a tornado that blows through, leaving destruction in its path. We can walk through the damage and try to pick up the pieces, but the damage is already done. It would be so good if we could prevent this from happening in the first place. Here’s a Biblical lesson that hastened me into an attitude of not saying...
Have you ever felt like you didn’t love your spouse? Did the feelings just leave you? In this time of confusion, there is hope and there is guidance from God. Don’t worry, God is still on the throne… and He’s not nervous. There came a time in our marriage when I fell out of love with Kim. I didn’t try to. There was no one else I was interested in...
If a marriage is having issues, something big needs to change. Trying continually and not achieving any results can be exhausting. Here we’ll teach you how to take care of the big issue so that the little issues won’t keep popping up. Kim and I had been married for about ten years and I was on my way home from a marriage counseling session one evening. I always appreciated the...
Question: What are some effective ways to communicate when you're upset and not ready to talk about it yet (needing cool off time or time to understand your own feelings before talking about them)? Great question. Who hasn’t had this experience, yet it can be difficult to address the issue. We love our spouse, but we feel like we just don’t want to talk about it right now. Here...
Mitch & Kim’s Q & A Here’s a question we received. How can we effectively communicate when one person is so much more talkative? I want to share with my wife things from my day, but at the same time, I’m not very talkative, and she is, so it seems like a lot of our conversations aren’t exactly that, but more of a lecture in the sense it’s a one-sided...
Do you feel that you sometimes waste time and energy communicating? Sometimes we just don’t click or understand each other. Here we will connect you with 7 shortcuts to better your communication. What’s a buzzword? A buzzword is a simple word or statement spoken without emotion (possibly at a time you may feel like getting emotional about something,). It can diffuse a situation. Buzzwords can also make something that is...
Does it feel there are walls that block your communication of certain topics? Maybe it’s your spouse’s parent or you don’t feel you can say how you feel about something. You just feel your opinion isn’t heard. Good marriages are built on good communication. Here we’ll show you how to break down these walls that block the communication you long to have. Safe Time is a time when two people...
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With nearly forty years of experience, Kim and I are on a mission to help you have the best possible marriage you can have. We know how to grow spiritually as a couple and are fueled by our passion to help people grow in their marriage relationships.
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