I recently came across this devotional by Greg Laurie: “When I committed my life to Jesus Christ there was an erosion of bitterness and anger, and the growth of a love I had not known before. Years of bitterness and anger that had been building up just began to dissolve. If we claim to be followers of Christ and harbor bitterness or hatred in our hearts...
To get started, let’s first look at what forgiveness is not. It is not uncommon that I go through this list with someone and they tell me that they realize one or two of these things were standing in the way of forgiveness. Hopefully, understanding what forgiveness is not will open us up to the healing and wholeness that comes with forgiveness. Here are five misconceptions about...
This is the first of a 6-part series on forgiveness. I once heard a story of a young woman who came to church and gave her life to Christ. She was transformed and changed by God’s forgiveness. Her path was straightened when she loved Jesus and God’s word. She was discipled and everyone saw that it was a true transformation. The trouble came when the young woman caught the pastor’s...
Here's the link to part 6 of 6. A while back we did a video on "We don't share the same interests." We talked about changing our expectations not on "doing things I like with my spouse," but instead challenged to set your expectations to "enjoying doing things with my spouse." Here’s that original post, We Don’t Share the Same Interests, in case you missed it. We then received a...
Here's the link to part 5 of 6. A while back we did a video on "We don't share the same interests." We talked about changing our expectations not on "doing things I like with my spouse," but instead challenged to set your expectations to "enjoying doing things with my spouse." Here’s that original post, We Don’t Share the Same Interests, in case you missed it. We then received a...
Here's the link to part 4 of 6. A while back we did a video on "We don't share the same interests." We talked about changing our expectations not on "doing things I like with my spouse," but instead challenged to set your expectations to "enjoying doing things with my spouse." Here’s that original post, We Don’t Share the Same Interests, in case you missed it. We then received a...
Here's the link to part 3 of 6. A while back we did a video on "We don't share the same interests." We talked about changing our expectations not on "doing things I like with my spouse," but instead challenged to set your expectations to "enjoying doing things with my spouse." Here’s that original post, We Don’t Share the Same Interests, in case you missed it. We then received a...
Here's the link to part 2 of 6. A while back we did a video on "We don't share the same interests." We talked about changing our expectations not on "doing things I like with my spouse," but instead challenged to set your expectations to "enjoying doing things with my spouse." Here’s that original post, We Don’t Share the Same Interests, in case you missed it. We then received a...
A while back we did a video on "We don't share the same interests." We talked about changing our expectations not on "doing things I like with my spouse," but instead challenged to set your expectations to "enjoying doing things with my spouse." Here's that original blog, We Don't Share the Same Interests, in case you missed it. We then received a request for a video of things we like...
Q&A: How do you make sure the things you deem important (whether that's date night, devotions together, or whatever) don't get pushed aside in the busy-ness of life? It has been said that life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. If we get serious about it, the problem with life is that we don’t give it the attention we should. It has also been said that...
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With nearly forty years of experience, Kim and I are on a mission to help you have the best possible marriage you can have. We know how to grow spiritually as a couple and are fueled by our passion to help people grow in their marriage relationships.
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