We've gotten feedback that some of you would like very short videos, but more of them. Here's a video I shot that makes us think about what is holding our marriage together. I often see people get divorced when the kids get out of high school. Maybe the kids were holding them together. In fact, there are many things that can artificially keep us together. Let's examine our marriage and...
Identify Your Unrealistic Expectations For a Better Marriage Relationships are a balance of expectations and reality. Marriage is no exception to that. In fact, because it is the ultimate relationship, it is probably even more prone to unrealistic expectations than any other. Most of us go into marriage with unrealistic expectations. Think about it, when we get married we think that this is the person that will: Meet my needs...
At the core of every person’s thoughts are two very important aspects: self-understanding and self-worth. Every day we tell ourselves hundreds of things about ourselves that are untrue. This talk, called self-talk, is so much more important than we realize. What we tell ourselves about ourselves is paramount to who we are and will become. Here’s the litmus test for who will benefit from the book: if you are breathing,...
Bible Study Bible study requires an open heart. If you are not a believer, read and drink deeply from God and His Spirit. It will change you and you will begin to understand truth, redemption, and forgiveness. I don't believe any person can go to the Bible with an open mind and come out unchanged for the better. There are many good books in the Bible to start with, but...
I once heard a man replying to a question about why his marriage didn’t last. He said, “We had a difference in theology. I thought I was God and she didn’t.” Our priorities set the guidelines for who we are and who we will be both in our marriage and in all of life. First John 2:15-17 lays out the three categories of sin. They are the lust of the...
I believe it is fair to say that generation by generation, we are progressing toward more selfish expectations. We begin by thinking our expectations should be met, then move on to thinking they need to be met and finally that our expectations have to be met. We think the world has to turn our way… and if it doesn’t, well that would be a bad terrible thing. In short, we...
Are You Life-Giving? What does it mean to be life-giving? Each of us has a need to be loved, cherished and appreciated. Let’s say that when we receive these things we store them up. Let’s call the reservoir these needs are stored in our love tank. Now we should understand that the love tank is always being drained by the things that happen in life. Maybe stress, work, long hours,...
Normally we publish an article here on the blog and on Facebook. We also make a video of the same topic and put it on Facebook and YouTube. We'd like to do this one a little differently though. Yesterday I made a short video with our son Ben. I'd like to direct you to the video as I think it does a better job of illustrating our passion on this...
Why Your Attitude is Everything Have you ever noticed that some people just take things in stride better than others? Something goes wrong and there are a myriad of ways to handle the situation - how will you handle it? Friday, I met for lunch with a pastor friend at McAlister’s Deli. I took along the promotional tumbler that we had purchased there several years ago so we can get...
How we start something tends to dictate how things turn out. Dating and marriage are no different. I knew a youth pastor whose fiancée became pregnant and the church had to make a decision as to what - if any - action they would take. I was a young Christian then and reasoned that after they were married, sex would no longer be a sin, so it wasn’t probably...
About Us:
With nearly forty years of experience, Kim and I are on a mission to help you have the best possible marriage you can have. We know how to grow spiritually as a couple and are fueled by our passion to help people grow in their marriage relationships.
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