It’s not if a miscommunication will happen, it is when it happens. Let's face it: miscommunications happen to us a lot more than we think they should. I had thought that the older I got the fewer miscommunications Kim and I would have, but since my hearing isn’t 20-20 anymore, it has opened up a whole new window for miscommunication. I will ask Kim, “What did you say?”...
Kim and I have a list of suggested reading for the couples we counsel toward marriage; Gary Chapman’s book The 5 Love Languages is always on that list. We believe everyone would profit from the straightforward, easy to grasp truths in the book. We also have each couple go online and take the free test at (I’ll link to the book and the test below). We would encourage you...
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With nearly forty years of experience, Kim and I are on a mission to help you have the best possible marriage you can have. We know how to grow spiritually as a couple and are fueled by our passion to help people grow in their marriage relationships.
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