Have you ever felt like you didn’t love your spouse? Did the feelings just leave you? In this time of confusion, there is hope and there is guidance from God. Don’t worry, God is still on the throne… and He’s not nervous. There came a time in our marriage when I fell out of love with Kim. I didn’t try to. There was no one else I was interested in...
If a marriage is having issues, something big needs to change. Trying continually and not achieving any results can be exhausting. Here we’ll teach you how to take care of the big issue so that the little issues won’t keep popping up. Kim and I had been married for about ten years and I was on my way home from a marriage counseling session one evening. I always appreciated the...
Question: What are some effective ways to communicate when you're upset and not ready to talk about it yet (needing cool off time or time to understand your own feelings before talking about them)? Great question. Who hasn’t had this experience, yet it can be difficult to address the issue. We love our spouse, but we feel like we just don’t want to talk about it right now. Here...
Where do I start when it comes to being the spouse I need to be? There are some essential things we can do and be to make sure we are on track. The fundamentals will always be the fundamentals, and if we learn to embrace them, a lot of other things will fall into place. Have an Attitude of Learning It’s easy to study for the purpose of learning...
Marriage is about commitment. This is something that we have probably all struggled with at one time or another in our marriage. Did I sign up for this rodeo? We believe that by pledging our allegiance to our spouse and keeping it at the forefront of our marriage, our commitment will be strengthened and grow through the years. “I pledge allegiance, to the flag…” We all know how that...
What’s your Christian walk like… really? Have you ever wondered what your witness looks like to God? In this story-lesson let’s see what we look like. Hopefully, this story will stay with you as it has me and be a constant reminder of what you need to be striving for in your relationships with God, your spouse and others. In college, we had a class called The Learning Process. Our...
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With nearly forty years of experience, Kim and I are on a mission to help you have the best possible marriage you can have. We know how to grow spiritually as a couple and are fueled by our passion to help people grow in their marriage relationships.
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