How we start something tends to dictate how things turn out. Dating and marriage are no different. I knew a youth pastor whose fiancée became pregnant and the church had to make a decision as to what - if any - action they would take. I was a young Christian then and reasoned that after they were married, sex would no longer be a sin, so it wasn’t probably...
We love to answer your questions - it keeps us in touch with what you are going through and what you want to know about. Here is a question from one of our readers: As a guy, I felt defeated sexually at times. I wanted more intimacy and sex. Hinting rarely worked and even when I would do "extra" things around the house to lighten the load it still wasn't...
Love is a Decision If I asked you to define what love is, what would you say? We have heard thousands of songs about love. It is one of the most common themes in music. We have known about the concept of love our whole life. Many of us may say we have been or are in love. So define it. What is it? Think about it and come up...
Christ so loved me that He gave His life for me. According to Ephesians 5:25, husbands are supposed to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. Wow! I’m supposed to love Kim as Christ loved the church. That means I am to give my life for her. This challenge has been before me for years and I, with God's help, keep...
How We Accepted Christ - What Being a Christian Means to Us Kim and I got married on September 12, 1981. As of this writing, we’ve spent 37 years together. I am amazed at what our marriage has become and had no idea it could be this good. But it didn’t start out like it is now. Our marriage is the way it is because we have each...
How to have an Unfair Advantage in Your Marriage People who don’t know Christ are doing marriage blindfolded. You might get along and do OK, but you won't be “one flesh” unless God is in the center of your relationship. Doing marriage without God is a cheap imitation of what He intended it to be. It’s like “playing house” instead of the marriage God wants. I have a pastor friend...
Children: The Importance of Letting Go of Your Parents When You Get Married In my experience, the frequency of young married guys and gals who can’t let go of their parents is pretty equal. It is most often the mother that they are attached to and won’t let go of. Most of the time in our culture, the mother throws herself into the children and the father throws himself into...
Parents... The Importance of Letting Go When Your Child Gets Married Many of my counseling sessions over the years have been the result of: (1) parents not releasing their children when the children get married or (2) children not releasing their parents when the children get married We’ll address the first issue here with the other issues being in another post. When a child gets married, the parents need to...
Question: What are some ways to intentionally make time for each other when we are both so busy? I work two part-time jobs which have me working at least 6 days a week, and she has a job in which her hours vary week to week, but is also a full-time student. During the week, we often aren’t home together until 6:30 at night and with me working at 4:00...
5 Things You Have to Do Well to Have a Great Marriage When studying in preaching class, the professor asked us what we should do when we hear a great sermon and would like to use it. He said it wouldn’t be right to copy it directly without giving credit and that it would be better to use the main points and make the rest of it our own. That...
About Us:
With nearly forty years of experience, Kim and I are on a mission to help you have the best possible marriage you can have. We know how to grow spiritually as a couple and are fueled by our passion to help people grow in their marriage relationships.
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