How to Parent When Your Parenting Styles Differ I’ve always said that the culmination of the love between a husband and wife is having children… and nothing will pull your marriage apart more than a child. We give the best years of our lives to our children. They can take our time, our energy, and drain us of the stamina for intimacy. Kim and I are so glad we had...
Children: What to Do When Your Parents Won’t Let Go Many of my counseling sessions over the years have been the result of (1) parents not releasing their children when the children get married or (2) children not releasing their parents when the children get married. We addressed the first and second issues in another blog post and I will address the third issue here: what to do when your...
Children: The Importance of Letting Go of Your Parents When You Get Married In my experience, the frequency of young married guys and gals who can’t let go of their parents is pretty equal. It is most often the mother that they are attached to and won’t let go of. Most of the time in our culture, the mother throws herself into the children and the father throws himself into...
Parents... The Importance of Letting Go When Your Child Gets Married Many of my counseling sessions over the years have been the result of: (1) parents not releasing their children when the children get married or (2) children not releasing their parents when the children get married We’ll address the first issue here with the other issues being in another post. When a child gets married, the parents need to...
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With nearly forty years of experience, Kim and I are on a mission to help you have the best possible marriage you can have. We know how to grow spiritually as a couple and are fueled by our passion to help people grow in their marriage relationships.
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